
The dog surpassed all expectations after being chained to a tree and abandoned for four years.

Earlier this year, a helpless puppy with no food, no bed and no protection was found in a tree on a farm in central Georgia.

For four years, he was left outside in inclement weather. He was out in the elements (sun and rain) and was hungry and thirsty. His look is depressing; he barely weighs 11kg and must be at least 20kg to compete in his race (Pit Bull), and he has bruises all over his body.

After receiving an anonymous complaint, the local rescue team Cordele Animal Shelter went in search of the dog, and once found, they shared the tale with the public on social media, along with some devastating photographs.

“This unfortunate animal really needs a new home where he may reunite with his long-lost love. This vulnerable puppy urgently needs a new home where he will be adequately cared for.” According to a Cordele Animal Shelter rescuer.

It wasn’t easy for a puppy, you know the puppy was dubbed “cocaine,” but after being rescued, the puppy immediately found another home where he was rehabilitating. Hero is now the puppy’s name in recognition of his bravery and fortitude.

This puppy has transformed dramatically in its new home, owing to his new owner, who, unlike his previous owner, has lavished the pup with love and affection.

“He was amazing; I gave him a tiny meal and put the bed in his kennel; he came in and settled himself; it had night lights and a radio,” the adoptive mother said on Facebook.

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