
Dog Celebrates Puppyhood after Being Freed from Chains on an Abandoned Farm for a Lifetime

During a routine drive, a passing vehicle caught sight of Violet, along with several other dogs, chained up with thick, heavy metal chains that not only restricted their movement but also inflicted harm upon them.

At the time of discovery, Violet was estimated to be around two years old, and Angela Stell, the founder and director of NMDOG, believed that she had spent her entire life bound by chains.

The dogs, including Violet, were found on a property in New Mexico, where it was illegal to keep dogs tethered without human control. The local county sheriff’s department was called to the scene in an attempt to locate the owners, but it seemed that the dogs had been abandoned. NMDOG stepped in and took all the dogs into their care, starting their journey towards recovery.

“She was startled and still shows signs of apprehension,” Stell mentioned, acknowledging that Violet may have experienced mistreatment, likely contributing to her cautious behavior.

Thankfully, Violet is currently in good health and gradually healing from the emotional trauma she endured. Once her recovery is complete, she will become eligible for adoption, offering the opportunity for a brighter future filled with love and security.

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