
Revitalizing Fruit and Herb Infused Water: A Delightful Detox Delight

Are you looking to refresh your system and feel revitalized? This detox water recipe featuring lemon slices, strawberry slices, mint leaves, and cucumber slices is not just delicious—it’s also hydrating and filled with health benefits. Here’s how you can easily prepare this infused water at home and enjoy its numerous perks.

Health Benefits of Detox Water Ingredients

Lemon: Rich in vitamin C, lemons are great for enhancing your immune system, promoting healthy skin, and aiding digestion.

Strawberry: These berries add a hint of sweetness and are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support heart health and blood sugar control.

Mint: Mint leaves add a refreshing flavor and can help with digestion and reducing headaches.

Cucumber: Cucumbers are hydrating and contain important nutrients that may reduce inflammation and flush out toxins.


To make this flavorful detox water, you’ll need:

1 lemon, thinly sliced

5-6 strawberries, sliced

10-12 fresh mint leaves

1 small cucumber, thinly sliced

Ice cubes (optional)



Pitcher or large jar

Spoon for stirring

Knife and cutting board


Prepare the Fruits and Herbs:

Wash all fruits and herbs thoroughly to remove any pesticides and impurities.

Slice the lemon and cucumber into thin slices. Hull and slice the strawberries.

Assemble the Detox Water:

In a large pitcher or jar, layer the lemon slices, strawberry slices, cucumber slices, and mint leaves.

Fill the pitcher with cold water to the top. Use a spoon to gently stir the ingredients to combine the flavors.

Chill and Infuse:

Add ice cubes to the pitcher if you like your water extra cold.

Refrigerate the detox water for at least 1-2 hours. This allows the flavors to meld together and infuse the water.


Serve the detox water in glasses, making sure to include some of the fruits and mint leaves in each glass.

Garnish with a sprig of mint or a lemon wheel for an extra special touch.

Tips for Best Results

To keep the detox water fresh, consume it within 24-48 hours.

You can refill the pitcher with water a few times until the flavors begin to fade.


This lemon, strawberry, mint, and cucumber detox water is not only a joy to drink but also beneficial for your health. It’s a simple and natural way to hydrate and flush out toxins from your body while enjoying the subtle flavors of these fresh ingredients. Perfect for any day when you need a refreshing boost!

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