The highly anticipated next installment in the iconic Predator franchise, titled “Predator 6: Badlands,” is set to redefine everything fans know about the series. Directed by Dan Trachtenberg, known for his work on “10 Cloverfield Lane,” this film is expected to follow in the footsteps of the critically acclaimed “Prey,” which successfully reinvigorated the franchise.
Originally announced simply as “Badlands,” the title was later updated to include “Predator,” signaling a significant connection to the established lore. Filming commenced in New Zealand during the summer of 2024, with actress Elle Fanning confirmed as the female lead. While rumors have circulated about Arnold Schwarzenegger reprising his iconic role as Dutch, no official announcements have been made about his involvement.
Set in the future, “Predator: Badlands” will diverge from the historical setting of “Prey,” which took place in 1719. Instead, the film will focus on the complex relationship between two sisters, Thea and Tessa, whose paths in life present challenges. The casting call highlighted the need for a lead actress capable of portraying both characters, showcasing a range of emotions from humor to intensity.
In a surprising twist revealed by Trachtenberg, the Predator will take on a hero’s role in this film, marking a shift in perspective for the franchise. He emphasized the challenge of creating a character that is both intimidating and relatable, allowing audiences to connect with the creature in a new way. This evolution aims to push the boundaries of the series, inviting viewers to root for the Predator as it navigates its unique story arc.
With filming taking place across various locations in New Zealand, behind-the-scenes images have hinted at the film’s development, including the Predator costume itself. As excitement builds for the release, fans eagerly await the opportunity to see how “Predator: Badlands” will transform their perceptions of this legendary franchise.